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luyued 发布于 2011-07-02 09:12   浏览 N 次  

去年买了一本书,清华出的“美国口语惯用法例句集粹”,一位旅日的老美编写的,里面收录了美国口语中使用频率最高的4000多个短语,归入 889个中心词,并逐一配上了例句,当时觉得挺不错的,就买下了。刚开始时,还翻翻看看,后来就被我彻底遗弃了,书其实是好书,只是觉得还用不上,我连中式英语还没搞定呢,地道口语,离我十万八千里了!刚刚闲来没事,忽想起了此书,又翻了翻,觉的挺有意思的,好象它序言说的“你可以漫不经心地翻开它,浏览几页,相信您一定会在这看似简单的句子中,领略到一种恍然大悟的快感”,快感还谈不上,只是有那么一点点感觉,有那么一点点动心。于是随便抄录几句,特简单的,特淳朴的,供您把玩。为了感谢您的点击,我决定把快乐给你,把悲伤都留给我自己。

You are a dreamboat. 你是位(异性所追求的)理想人选

You are such a dish. 你是个绝色美人

I've been dying to meet you. 我非常非常想见到你

Every time I see you, you leave me out in the cold. 每次我见到你,你都不睬我

I only have eyes for you . 我只在意你

I'd do anything to see you crack a smile. 为了博得你的一笑,我情愿做任何事

You swept me off my feet. 你使我神魂颠倒

You don't have a care in the world. 你不知人间烦恼为何物

I'm still trying to get to second base with you. 我仍旧试着想和你发展到‘第

二阶段’(在美国,first base 指拉手,接吻,second base 指抚摩等,third base


If you don't want to lose me, you'd better lay it on the line. 如果你不想失


Tell me your story, I'm all ears. 告诉我你的故事,我洗耳恭听

Someday, when your ship come in, you'll build your dream house. 总有一天,当


I hope your idea takes wing. 我希望你的想法成真

I wish that you would put your cards on the table. 我希望你干脆把话挑明

Have you ever seen your old flame? 你还见过你的旧情人吗

If the shoe fits, wear it. 如果是真的就承认吧

This experience will make me show my true color. 这种经历将使我暴露我的本性

I have a bottomed-down mind. 我是个没有什么独到见解的人

I have no direction, I just get wherever the wind blows. 我没有方向,只是随


I can't burn the candle at both ends forever. 我不能永远这么过分地消耗精力

We could make beautiful music together. 我们也许会是和谐幸福的一对儿

You are always trying to get my goat. 你总是想惹我发火

I'm a man of my word. 我是个讲信用的人

Someday you're going to have to face the music for your actions. 总有一天,


Just cool your heels! 好了,安静会儿吧

Save your breath! I don't want to hear it. 不要说了,我不想听

Really?? You are so bad! 真的吗?你真棒!!


前言: 学习语言,如果只注重读写,而没有口语表达能力,那么交际就会受到很大限制.这个道理已引起了很多英语学习者 的重视,但在目前的口语学习中,大多数学习者却往往只能将所学的书面表达方法用在口语上,结果就导致了口语表达既 生硬又不得体,甚至会引起误解.

我们认为,要掌握一门语言,对它的惯用语(set phrases and expressions)是不可忽视的.这里所指的惯用语包括短语 (phrases),非正式的习惯用语(informal phrases),谚语(proverbs)和俚语(slang)等.学习和使用惯用语有很多好处:可以使人通过简单的语句表现有时难以言传的复杂意义;可以使人更亲切自然地表达自己,迅速拉近与交谈者的距离……更重要的 是, 通过对惯用语的学习, 可以为学习者提供一个深入了解他国文化的特殊视野和有效途径, 而这一点对于掌握地道流畅, 符合语言习惯的外语来说是至关重要的. 本书原为英日对照,作者 Shawn Holley 出生于美国犹他州,曾与夫人玛丽莲一起受聘在日本任教,其间,他发现许多日本学生知道相当多的英语单词 (有些是甚至连美国人都不认识的),而其英语表达能力却又相当有限.这使他对英语的教学方法产生了疑问.于是,他利用工作之余写下了《口语表达》《日常生活英语表达集》 , ,以及这本《美国口语惯用法例句集粹》等一大批包括后来成为日本最畅销英语书的,深受欢迎的口语书.作者所认识到的日本学习者在英语学习中的这种反常现象,在中国学习者身上也同样存在,甚至有过之而无不及.这也正是我们热忱地将此书翻译过来,介绍给中国读者的重要原因和直接动力. 本书收录了美国口语中使用频率最高的 4000 多个短语,归入 889 个中心词中,并为它们逐一配上例句.所有例句及短语都属于标推的美国口语.在翻译的过程中,对原例句尽可能采用直译的原则,以便使读者既能从例句中获得短语应用的生动语境,又能准确地获得短语的本身意义;同时,翻译时也尽可能地保持了原书的口语特色.另外,在一些译文中, 译者加人了必要的注释或说明,主要有以下几种类型:

(1) 短语本身在不同语境中有不同的释义.例如: This job is for the birds. 这工作毫无意义 (或:荒唐可笑).

(2) 对文化背景方面的说明.例如: The local department store is having a white sale today.当地的百货商店今天有床单,棉织物这类商品的降价出 售.(注:美国的这类商品多为白颜色.)

(3) 对短语本身含义的解释.例如: We had to sign a yellow-dog contract before they'd hire us.在他们雇用我们之前,我们不得不签署了一份"黄犬协约"(注:以受雇人员不得加人工会为条件的雇用契约).

(4) 对短语应用方面的说明.例如: Will you help me? Pretty p1ease with sugar? 你能帮我吗?求求你啦!(注:多为孩子用语.)

(5) 为使语句更为准确完整而加人的一些必要说明.例如: We must counsel teens to postpone having sex until they get married. 我们必须忠告十几岁的年轻人将(初次) 发生性行为的时 间延至结婚以后.


C 134.cake

1)This job's gonna be a piece of cake. 这工作轻松简单.

2)I've heard a lot of crazy stories, but this one takes the cake! 我听到过许多愚蠢的事儿,但都比不上这件事!

3)Winning this contest is going to be a cakewalk. 赢得这次竞赛是很简单的事.


1)Don said he's call back later. 唐说他过后会回电话来.

2)The forecast calls for snow flurries later tonight. 天气预报报道今天后半夜将有阵雪.

3)Mary called in sick this morning. 玛丽今天早上打电话来告病假.

4)Would you mind calling off your dogs? 能麻烦您把您的狗叫走吗?

5)I need to answer the call of nature. 我需要上一下厕所.

6)May I call on you next Wednesday? 下周三我可以来拜访您吗?

7)The president called out the armed forces to go to Bosnia. 总统派遣了武装不对赴波西尼亚.

8)The coach called time with 22 seconds on the clock. 教练在离比赛终了还有 22 秒的时候叫了暂停.

9)Call me up sometime and we'll go to do something. 什么时候你打电话给我,我们一起去干点儿什么事儿.

10)Dr. Hale is on call at the hospital. 黑尔医生在医院里等待出诊.


1)The beating of Rodney King was caught on camera. 罗德尼.金被殴打的情形被摄像机拍下来了.


1)Our department manager got canned for sexual harassment. 我们的部门经理因性骚扰而被解职了.

2)TV and radio programs use a lot of canned commercials. 电视和电台节目里有很多千篇一律(令人乏味)的广告.

3)The young actress has two new movies in the can. 那个年轻的女演员有两部新影片正准备上映.


1)You can't burn the candle at both ends forever. 你不能永远这么过分地消耗精力.

2)No on can hold a candle to Mom's famous apple pies. 无论谁做的苹果派都比不上我妈妈做的(好吃) .


1)We took a carful to the drive-in movies last night. 昨晚,我们(挤得满满的)一大车人去了(露天)汽车影院(看电影) .

2)Would you like to join our car pool? 你愿意加入我们的"汽车合伙"(注:指为了解决路上交通及停车难,几个有汽车的人安排好轮流合用它们的汽车来上下班等)吗?

3)I always get carsick when I try to read in a car. 每次在车内试着看书的时候,我都会晕车.

4)Carjacking is becoming more rampant in the U.S. 劫持汽车(的犯罪活动)在美国正变得越来越猖獗.


1)You've always got a card up your sleeve. 你总是有自己的秘密打算.

2)I think your getting married is in the cards. 我看你是快要结婚了.

3)Lisa wishes that Gary would put his cards on the table. 萨莉希望加里干脆把话挑明.


1)I could care less what you do because I'm leaving. 我就要离开了,你干什么都与我无关.

2)Rick doesn't have a care in the world. 里克不知人间烦恼为何物.

3)Take care of yourself, and I'll see you in two weeks. 请多保重,我会在两周后来看你.


1)Let's not get carried away with accusations. 我们别再毫无理智地互相指责了吧.

2)I expect that business will carry on as usual while I'm gone. 我希望在我不在的时候,生意也能一如既往地继续下去.

3)Tom and Meredith have been carrying on together for some time. 汤姆和梅雷迪思勾搭在一起已经有一段时间了.

4)Each passenger is allowed two carry-on pieces of luggage. 每位乘客允许携带两件随身行李.

5)We need to carry out our plans. 我们需要实行我们的计划.


1)I did everything you said, so get off my case. 你所说的我都做了,所以不要再来干涉我.

2)In any case, we're going to have to take some action. 无论怎样,我们都将不得不采取一些措施.

3)I'm taking it with me, just in case. 我带上它,以备万一.

4)In case of an emergency, dial 911. 紧急情况请拨 911.


1)We need to stop at the ATM and get some cash. 我们需要在 ATM 停一下,取一些现金.

2)We're cashing in on some of our old furniture. 我们将一些旧家具变卖成了现金.


1)We're casting off from shore at 3:00 this afternoon. 我们将在今天下午 3 点钟从码头启航.

2)Suzanne used the casting couch to obtain a leading role in the film. 苏珊为了成为那部影片的主角,用了和主管人睡觉的办法.


1)Roger likes to cat around on the weekends. 罗杰在周末喜欢去寻猎女孩子.

2)Mary Ann let the cat out of the bag. 玛丽.安把秘密给泄露出去了.

3)I try to take a little cat nap every Sunday afternoon. 我试着在每个周日的下午小睡一会儿.

4)Our competitors want to play cat-and-mouse with us. 我们的对手想和我们玩猫捉老鼠的有戏.

5)Joe enjoys sitting in the catbird seat. 乔享受着他的有利地位.

6)A shrill of catcalls came from the audience as the controversial actor walked on stage. 那个有争议的男演员走上舞台时,从观 众中传来一片嘘声.


1)I get a free gift? What's the catch? (你说)我可以得到一份不要钱的礼物?(那么, )你想让我为你做什么?

2)Joyce wants to catch a program on TV. 乔伊斯想看一个电视节目.

3)Wow, is that his wife? Mark sure got himself a good catch. 哇!那是他的妻子吗?马克的确是有份好福份!

4)You kids are gonna catch it if you don't shape up. 你们要是不好好干,就会受到惩罚.

5)Heather is a good student. She really catches on fast. 希瑟的确是个好学生,对知识吸收领会得很快.

6)It's gonna take me a week to catch up on these reports. 我需要一个星期(的时间)来赶回这些报告落下的进度.

7)Debbie is looking for a catchall for her problems. 戴比在寻找一个无论什么问题都能解决的人来(帮她)对付她的困难.

8)Job-hunting for college graduates is often a catch-22 they won't hire you unless you have experience, but you can't get experience unless they hire you. 大学毕业生找工作常常会陷入一种无可奈何的矛盾境地:你没有工作经验,他们就不雇佣你;而他们不雇佣你,你就不可能获取工作经验.

9)That book has a catchy title. 那本书有一个吸引人的书名.


1)Your dad's going to hit the ceiling when he finds out you wrecked the car. 你父亲发现你把这车搞得一塌糊涂的时候,一定会 大发雷霆.

2)Many women find that a glass ceiling exists when they try to move up in a company. 许多女性感到当她们努力想在公司里升职时,总存在有一些无形的障碍.


1)Jerry feels like he is chained to his job. 杰里感觉他被工作束缚住了.

2)We received a frightening chain letter yesterday. 昨天,我们收到了一封恐吓性质的"连锁信".

3)Yuki has been chain-smoking for years. 由纪(一支接一支地)猛烈抽烟好多年了.


1)We've asked Mr. Ogawa to take the chair. 我们请求小川先生担任主席.


1)Chalk up another victory for ABC industries. 为 ABC 工业集团再赢得一次胜利!

2)Our coach usually gives us a chalk talk during halftime. 我们的教练在中场休息时通常用粉笔画图给我们进行讲解.


1)I don't want to leave things to chance. 我不愿意让事情任其发展.

2)Is there any chance that I can see you again? 我还有可能再次见到您吗?

3)I met your brother the other day by chance. 我前几天偶然碰到了你哥哥.

4)If you happen to chance upon that document, let me know. 如果你碰巧发现了那文件,请通知我.

5)The chances of Linda marrying you are almost zero. 琳达和你结婚的可能性几乎为零.

6)The doctors say he has no chance of recovery. 医生说他没有康复的希望.


1)Let me know if you change your mind. 如果你改变了主意,请通知我.

2)The Smiths are moving to Montana for a change of scenery. 史密斯一家为了改变一下环境,正把家搬到蒙大拿洲去.

3)Our production line will be undergoing a changeover next month. 我们的生产线在下个月要进行更换.

4)We can change off on the night shift every 6 month. 我们可以每六个月交换一次(值)夜班.

5)Let's go to someplace new for a change. 让我们去一个什么新地方寻求一些改变吧!


1)Max is quite a character. 马克斯是一个很有个性的人.

2)An actor must stay in character to be effective. 为了更有成效,演员必须适合于剧中(所扮)角色.


1)I think you'll get a charge out of this joke. 我想这个玩笑一定会使你非常开心.

2)Please charge it to my account. 请把它算在我的帐上.

3)Mr. Yamada is in charge of this department. 山田先生负责这个部门.


1)Kathy can really turn on the charm when she wants to. 凯西想施展自己魅力的时候,就能发挥得很好.


1)This song is at the top of the charts. 这首歌位列排行榜榜首.


1)We're interested in buying a cheapie model. 我们对购买便宜的模特感兴趣.

2)He works for some cheapo outfit. 他为一些末流组织工作.

3)Your remark about my belief was a cheap shot. 你对我的信仰的(妄加)议论是可鄙的.

4)It's boring to go out to dinner with a cheapskate. 和小气鬼一起出门吃饭真没意思.


1)Joe is cheating on his wife. 乔对他的妻子不忠.


1)Where do we go to check in? 我们去哪儿登记?

2)What time do we have to check out? 我们得在什么时候退房间?

3)Check out the girl sitting over there. 你去考核一下坐在那儿的那个女孩.

4)You'd better check up on the kids. 你最好追查(或:追问)一下那些孩子.

5)Everything's in check. 一切正常.

6)Have you had your annual checkup? 你做过一年一度的健康检查了吗?


1)Tom told the story with tongue in cheek. 汤姆以嘲弄的口气讲述了那件事.


1)Say cheese! 笑一笑! (注:常用于照相时)

2)Dave thinks he's the big cheese. 戴夫以为自己很了不起.

3)There's a lot of cheesecake used in car magazines. 汽车杂志中有很多露着双腿的性感女郎的照片. 163.chest 1)I need to get this off my chest. 我得把这件事讲明白.


1)Stop chewing me out! 别对我絮絮叨叨的!

2)Bill could sit around and chew the fat all day long. 比尔可以一天到晚坐着闲聊.


1)We're gonna go try to meet some chicks. 我们要去试着找几个小姑娘(玩玩儿) .

2)Don't count your chickens before they are hatched. 别过早乐观.

3)Two teens were injured playing chicken in their cars. 两个十几岁的少年在比赛飞车时受了伤.

4)Don't tell me you're going to chicken out. 别告诉我你要胆怯不干了.


1)I know this must be hard for you, but try to keep your chin up. 我知道这对你一定是有困难,但咬牙坚持住吧!

2)Sam really took it on the chin during his last business venture. 萨姆上次的交易真是进行得很艰难.


1)Vern has been saying that he will cash in his chips for years. 维恩好多年来一直就说他的死期不远了. (或:他就要彻底惨败 了. )

2)Let's all chip in and buy Phil a retirement gift. 让我们一起凑钱给菲尔买一件退休礼物吧.

3)Your son is certainly a chip off the old block. 你儿子的确和他父亲一模一样.

4)The new housing in the area has given me a chip on my shoulder. 地区住房的新分配(方案)使我很恼火.

5)Mr. Robinson is in the chips. 罗宾逊先生非常有钱.

6)I want to see who can still fight when the chips are down. 我想看看谁可以在危急的情况下坚持战斗.

7)You're looking chipper today, Mrs. Webb. 韦布太太,您今天看起来气色真好.


1)Many basketball players choke at the freethrow line. 许多篮球选手在罚球线(注:指得到罚球权)投篮时都屏住呼吸.

2)Melissa choked back her tears. 梅利莎努力抑制住了眼泪.

3)I hate to have to choke down these pills. 我讨厌不得不费力地去咽下这些药片.

4)The eloquent speaker had us all choked up. 那位雄辩家使我们的胸中激情荡漾.


1)This traffic law is on the chopping block. 这项交通法规要被废除掉.

2)Matt hit me in the chops. 马特打了我的下巴.

3)Al really knows his chops. 阿尔真的是了解自己的能力.

4)The police found this stolen car in a chop shop. 警察在"二手车"店(注:指将车购入,经解体后重新安装并再次出售的店) 里发现了那辆被盗的车.


1)She's too churchy for me. 对我来说,她太热衷于宗教了.


1)That car is in a class by itself. 那辆车独具一格.

2)Teresa looks classy. 特莉萨看起来很时髦.


1)We need to clean out the basement. 我们需要把地下室清扫一下.

2)Would somebody clean up this mess? 哪位愿来收拾一下这乱七八糟的一堆(东西)?

3)Bart really cleaned up in the card game. 巴特在纸牌有戏中大获全胜.

4)I've decided to come clean on the incident. 我决定毫不隐瞒地将那件事全讲出来.

5)Our team's gonna clean up on your team. 我们队将干掉你们队.

6)Hitoshi is a clean-cut young man. 任志是位干净整洁的年轻人.


1)Let me clear off this table for you. 我为你打扫一下这桌子吧.

2)We need everyone to clear out of the area. 我需要所有人都撤出那片区域.

3)I've called this meeting so we clear the air. 我召集了这次会,消除了我们之间的隔阂.

4)The forecast said it is supposed to clear up tonight. 天气预报说今晚天将转晴.

5)I'd like to clear up any misunderstandings we may have had. 我愿意消除我们之间可能存在的任何误会.

6)The evidence shows that our company is in the clear. 这个证据说明我们公司是清白的.

7)I want a clear-cut strategy by Thursday. 星期四之前,我需要(得到)一个简单明了的策略.


1)Can you climb up the rope? 你能顺着绳子爬上去吗?

2)Stan is tired of climbing the corporate ladder. 斯坦厌倦了在公司里一步一步地往上爬(的世俗之路) .

3)Patty is a social climber. 帕蒂是个(总是在不断)追求更高社会地位的人.


1)Crews are working around the clock to fight the fire. (消防)队员们正在持续 24 小时地进行灭火工作.

2)We need to foul one of their guys in order to stop the clock. 为了延缓比赛,我们需要犯规阻扰对方的一名队员.

3)The mailman always comes like clockwork. 邮递员来的时间很规律.


1)We had a close call on the freeway this morning. 今天早晨在快行道上,我们(在一起交通事故中)侥幸脱险.

2)They finally closed down that old theater. 他们最终关闭了那家老剧院.

3)The police closed in on the gunman. 警察包围了那个持枪者.

4) The XYZ company is a closed shop. XZY 公司是一个只雇佣工会会员的公司.

5)Let's get a close-up on this next scene. 下一个镜头用特写的方法拍吧!


1)Rumors have clouded his entire campaign. 舆论使他的整个竞选蒙上了阴影. (注:指受到了不好的影响. )

2)Melanie's been in the clouds since she met Rick. 梅兰尼自从遇到里克以后,总是心神不定的.

3)Robert has been under a cloud since he
