Lola: English Lesson with Poem #20
luyued 发布于 2011-06-25 09:52 浏览 N 次20: Poem written by, Zhang Wen < 张文诚关 >
“The cloud and the Lotus”
A sky of blue with happy white clouds,
Thousands of lotus floating in a pond.
Clouds and lotus are laughing together,
As wind cuts across leaves and beyond.
English Lesson:
Study words:
Thousand 千
Floating 浮动
Laugh 笑
Wind 风
Cuts across 在切割
Beyond 超越
1: Thousand 千
I see one thousand flowers.
I see one thousand flowers in my flower garden and not all of the flowers
have bloomed yet!
I see one thousand ( ).
比如:I see one thousand ( people. )
2: Floating 浮动
The boat is floating in the water.
The boat is floating in the water and has been there all year without anyone using it.
The ( ) is floating in the water.
3: Laugh 笑
Kim is laughing at Sue.
Kim is laughing at Sue, because Sue just told Kim a funny joke.
( ) is laughing at ( ).
4: Wind 风
The wind is very strong.
The wind is very strong and is blowing all the leaves off of the trees.
The wind is ( ).
5: Cuts across
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