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luyued 发布于 2011-06-18 15:10   浏览 N 次  

介入之辩 Arguing About Intervention


If we view the thirty years’ history of Chinese contemporary art from this great historic change’s side, we will find it demonstrate the fact that art is acting as a special social existence, inside which has not only rich, brilliant and radical artistic phenomenon but also adequate theoretical materials to be studied and problems to be discussed. Moreover, such problems, with their richness, covered a series of topics from traditional art to modern and contemporary art. Among them are the questions that how effective the relationship between contemporary art and society is and how art shall perform its new functions in this era, or whether we shall reflect on art's being socialized.


Undeniably, the value of Chinese contemporary art contains deep social awareness and political engagement reflecting the times. To a lot of artists, their understanding of art equals their understanding of China, an understanding that is related to their education received, social and political movements encountered, and social and historical changes they are undergoing in China. The greatest influence that the 20th century cast upon Chinese culture is: a change of the relationship between China and the world; a question of how China can realize its modernization and becomes a prosperous and powerful country. For the whole 20th century, China has put its national ideology at a dominating position, where art has to be subordinate to the mission of the era. Art’s expressions and its social attachments varied with the change of times, but its destiny can never be set free from the functionalism of art. However, art is on the other hand special and itself always appears as an incarnation of freedom and a pursuit of spiritual value. Therefore the functionalism value and aesthetic value of art have always been diverged and converged in a contradictory way. If valued from the benchmark of artistic theory,the most radical formalism, and the most extreme conceptualism or functionalism have all appeared in Chinese contemporary art. When we re-assess the nature, the value and the function of art, we have to attach it to the veins of Chinese art – we shall not detach the function or form of art from the context of reality of art and society in China.


Down through the international art vein, and focusing on art scene since the 1960s, we will find that in the recent fifty years’ art history, besides importing new medias and new materials in experimental forms, there is always a clue of how art is connected to society, ie. how we eliminate the boundary between art and life. Especially since the 1990s, art scene developed a new tendency - artists, curators and critics started to look for the joint point and intersection between society and art to create, produce and execute contemporary art works together. 36 This action imperceptibly linked art more closely with the society, which originated collaboration, attendance and “interfering intervention” forms of art. 37 This was coherent with the elimination of borders between art and life (society). It surpassed the formalistic easel painting aestheticism and entered into collaborative dialogue field of the civil society.


In China, art is always advocated to be concern for the reality, to reflect the society, to serve the people and even asked to “serve politics” in Cultural Revolution (such slogan was much criticized and later cast away for its over-simplicity, administrative appearance and inhumanity in post-Cultural Revolution ideology liberations 38) etc., reflecting different partisan ideologies in different eras (The second Sino-Japanese War fine art, Yanan fine art, Cultural Revolution fine art, “Scar” fine art, Main stream fine art). However, after the opening policy, autonomy and independence in art are much more highlighted, the subject of art being emphasized its individuality. With the economic development and political reform of China, the country is stepping on its way to a civil society, where art’s function of participating was once more presented in contemporary art’s method, a new artistic relationship differing from that of the past – an art-intervening-society relationship we wish to interpret and discuss here. It coincides with the developing track of international art today and proves the social sensibility and responsibility of Chinese artists.


Art is an important dimension in structuring the modern society,while in Chinese context, just as the social structure is far from fully modernized, Chinese contemporary art is not modernized either. Here modernization means a common modern consciousness, a common cultural value, a common confirmation on value of art and also a confirmation on the special function and special value of art. The reason why we are still discussing a lot of artistic problems which shall not become problems is that we have a lot of unsolved social and political problems. In China we can not deny that art is something intensely sensible with society and politics changes. Even in the international artistic environment, art and politics has always been tied together by a sensitive connection.39


In contemporary society, what matters is usually not art appeared in art’s form but those “non-art” beings beyond the existed forms. The recognition of their meaning is not confirmed by those outdated artistic rules but the sociologic theories. Here sociology means a set of general methodology and concepts containing analysis and criticism functions.


In today, our discourse on problems has lost the envisioned casualness, grace and tender. We live in an anxious and annoying time in which people are not able to conceal their common psychological distress and social angst no matter they keep a tranquil distance or make emotional comments. Art and real life still stick together in a hassling conflict while the economic prosperity did not bring self-awareness and non-utilitarianism for art. Everything is just the opposite - art is still gloomily wrapped inside social taboo and whipped forward with political inertia. Things are the same as when we hail to the economic prosperity, we are at the mean time facing environmental deterioration, waste of resource, air pollution and polarity between rich and poor etc. Art is trapped in the similar situation. The meaning of artistic existence always lies outside art, instead of inside itself, for it is confined to multiple social and political factors. Today if we do not resort to its social engagement and merely discuss its ontology form, we will fail to touch its real essence or come to a meaningless illusive argument. We will fail to grasp the historic and social value of artistic beings, only leaving commercial values and facial aesthetic values.


In Chinese context, art intervention has distinctive meanings. Such meanings not only underlined the necessity that artists shall re-evaluate their own identity and function but also led to the possibility that Chinese artists could accomplish inventive works under special circumstance. Except from associating with the history of art, the most meaningful contemporary approach to art is that it stands in a position of active intervention. Intervention does not simply mean corresponding, illustrating or describing the society, rather, it means casting artists’ free and unique reflection onto the phenomenon, environment, problems and system it is aiming at. Within visible short period in China, we are not short of aesthetic formalism and dogmatic propaganda art; on the opposite, we need unfettered expression derived from artists’ unbiased critical spirit. To interpret such free expression, one’s pattern of thinking has already met with a proactively intervening position and method – it is trying to expand the function of art and endow it with a new expressive ability and value. It is the independent, critical and reflecting spirit that made their works so distinguished. If they are embedded in the present context of China, it will endow us with a special sense of this age.


When the art scene proposed to let art come back to life and society instead of back to art itself,we especially need to reconsider the tangling artistic theory aroused by “reality”. For a handy operation or statistics, we need to lay down the existed realism which was endowed with too much contradictory, and go to with another realism which is restored to the present being. The realism mentioned here is an attitude and spirit, ie. art intervention is carried on in a way of pointing to problems and topics from real life. It is an interference with, adjustment of and interrogation on the society and shall not be mixed with the commonplace traditional Chinese realism. Intervention is proactive rather than reflective, looking for validity and judgemental principle for true contemporary art. It settled contemporary art as value judgment instead of formalism. Intervention, with its active attitude, is a demonstration of individual consciousness and intense reflective character; rather than passively react, intervening art re-advocate a theory of reflection. The difference between the two are critical – if art does not stand in an independent position, its micro-individual angle can not be illustrated so that art deteriorates to be a result of collective systems instead the creation by artists.


We shall not simply look on art as art; we shall esteem art as an expression and interpretation of life rather than regard art purely as art – this remark again comes from our reflection on life. This is a rapidly changed world, where dozens of new knowledge emerged before we are able to learn the old. Intervention attitude also has an experimental and examination character when faced with the unknown. Devoid of an experimental and unknown freshness, a lot of vision on future can never be handled. But, with the intervention of art and the collective activities, we are confirmed a lot unconfirmed on the other way. The young generation may lead this era by their strong study ability and exploring desires. 40


In a world that Cynicism prevails, we have right to question those pseudo doctrines on art. We shall establish an artistic moral based on justice, for “justice is the first virtue of social institutions” 41; the moral based on justice equals to the beholding of artistic ideal and taking artistic expression as thoughts. Here “pseudo” means those behaviors and attitude stiffening art and camouflaging oneself with unintelligent cynicism, ignoring, hiding and avoiding the true severe reality. By advocating art intervention we have criticized and denied fake arts. Such criticism and deny are faced with multiple stress – the temptation of commercial success, the besieging and hinder of conventions and also a short of self-criticism ability - a circumstance under which the active intervention attitude of art is quite limited and belittled.


The new problems and phenomena brought by social development have become the commonly concerned objects in various sciences, occupations and fields, and in the fields of art too. Art intervening these fields, showing concern and making reflection are not vulgar sociology. The so-called vulgar sociology of art in Chinese context especially means a national ideology before 1980s. It maneuvered the relationship between art and society, taking national political standard as a major guideline and performing as the propaganda tool of official ideology. It does not show any sociological concern on public area. 42 Intervention extends art into the public area. It is an expansion of public engagement into contemporary society and also a means of realizing the value of proactivity and subjective intention. Intervention shall be endowed with necessary validity in the present Chinese context and shall not be circumvented, ignored, denied for fear of the suspect of a vulgar sociology or ideology.


Intervention is an attitude,a method aiming at problems instead of an objective. It is put forward in the way of behavior and visual form. Deep in its essence, there are strong on-site intercession and interaction characteristics and it also appears in the form of ritual in some cases. But we wish to indicate here that intervention is not an ordinary social activity. Its execution and implementation have strong artistic subtext and criticism consciousness. But sometimes intervention art can be muddled with daily activities. The judgment standard lies in whether the executor has artistic intention, method, identity and whether its successive effect becomes an artistic topic to be discussed, etc. Intervention is a kind of position with proactivity. It raises questions, reflects on them and interrogates the present status. Intervention is a non-utilitarian and functional “Anwesen”, changing our passive way of viewing art and appreciating art, but it is not a simple mechanic interaction. It even appears in the present form of art, but without a rule and the sign of artist as a subjective. A single signature of artist can not prove the being of a subjective of art. The artists have changed the view point on their identity and the attitude of using art.


Intervention as an open attitude and method will not standstill in a certain form, neither will it stick to a certain way of expressing ideas. It will face the complicated and diverse objects in life and society and take specific yet variable activities as an expression. If artists can preserve an intervening attitude, they will certainly keep on searching for new problems and new angles of expression. This will also make those intervening artists keep their sensitive awareness and keen thinking abilities. They will snatch the uncertain path of social movement, and with the method of intervention, discover, illustrate, think about, mock, criticize and make fun of it., We hope to see in China more and more such intervention art, which will lead to a boom of various expressions on the society. When freedom of speech is not yet fully secured and affirmed in this country, intervening into the society in an artistic way becomes a winding yet effective way of speaking and communication. In Chinese context, its democratic appeal can not be ignored – while the fashion of intervention starts as a trivial being, it can well become a sign of civil society burgeoning. Without public consciousness, intervention art can not be fulfilled; in the past we especially highlighted art’s individuality and believed that it was artist’s individuality and individualism that accomplished his art. But on the other hand, individuality shall not direct to egoism or selfishness, individuality does not mean isolation, neither a shutting-down from society. On the contrary, the more civil consciousness a civil society has, the individualism in it has more public and social engagement, for its pivot is democracy and right, fairness and justice.


Intervention, as a way of acting or thinking, has become a value appeal and attitude. It contained such natures as reflection, ideal, value, criticism, inter
