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luyued 发布于 2011-06-14 15:23   浏览 N 次  

dvd里始终放着《托斯卡纳艳阳下》,最近反复陪不同得人看了多遍浪漫片的好就是将人带离现实 再回来 一切轻了许多
叮咚叮咚的明信片很喜欢 还有导游作指引的大向日葵
这里的市集街道就象流动的飨宴 人们都是座上佳宾
这里的生活悠闲惬意 令人忍不住要偷笑
即使吃上一粒成熟的葡萄 那紫色的甜味会在你嘴里爆开 就连闻起来都有紫色的味道
在ck镇河边的住家 门前的向日葵


Between Austria and Italy there is a section of the Alps called the Semmering. It is an impossibly steep, very high part of mountains. They built a train track over these Alps to connect Vienna and Venice. They built these tracks even before there was a train in existence that could make the trip. They built it because they knew the train would come. A train track through the Alps before there was a train.


